List of Presentations
This page lists my upcoming talks, if any are planned, and it also serves as an archive if you have attended any of my presentations and want to look further on slides and/or scripts. The latter list is sorted in reverse chronological order. I've included links to recording when I have gotten the links to them. I don't upload recordings myself, and some of these sessions may be available on YouTube or similar, even if there is no link below.
Upcoming Events
Past Events
- Data Saturday #60, Ljubljana, 7 December. (Dynamic Pivot - Making Columns out of Rows).
- Ohio North Data Training Group, 3 December. (Packaging Permissions in Stored Procedures.)
- Kansas City SQL Server Users Group, 14 November. (Don't Bite Off More than You Can Chew - Take it Chunks.)
- PASS Data Community Summit, Seattle, 6-8 November. (Watch out for Permission Hijacking!)
- SQL Saturday #1082 Oregon & SW Washingon, 2 Nov. (When Things Go Wrong - Error Handling in SQL Server.)
- SQL Day Lite 2024, Bydgoszcz, 19 Octorber. (Don't Bite off More Than You Can Chew - Take It in Chunks.)
- SQL Konferenz, Hanau, Germany, 1-2 October. (All You Wanted to Know About Collations.)
- East Midlands Data, Nottingham, 11 September. (Packacking Permissions in Stored Procedures.)
- Data Saturday #54, Gothemburg, 7 September. (Don't Let Your Permissions be Hijacked!)
- Data Saturday #52, Oslo, Aug 31st. (Don't Let Your Permissions be Hijacked!)
- Data Saturday Croatia, Zagreb, 8 June. (Dynamic Pivot - Making Columns out of Rows.)
- Data Saturday #51, Stockholm, 25 May. (All You Wanted to Know About Collations.)
- DataGrillen, Lingen, Germany, 16-17 May. (Dynamic Pivot - Making Columns out of Rows.)
- SQLBits, Farnbourough ICC, 19-23 March. (Analysing and Resolving Deadlocks.)
- SQL Friday, March 1st. (Don't Let Your Permissions Be Hijacked..)
- Data Saturday #48 Pordenone, Italy, 24 Feb. (Don't Let Your Permissions Be Hijacked).
- Data Saturday #47 Slovenia, 9 Dec. (Don't Let Your Permissions be Hijacked.)
- Pass Data Community Summit, Seattle, 15-17 Nov. (Analysing and Resolving Deadlocks, a two-hour session.)
- SQL Saturday #1057, Oregon & SW Washington, 11 Nov. (Don't Bite off More than You Can Chew - Take it in Chunks.)
- DataWeekender 6.5, 4 Nov. (Don't Bite off More than You Can Chew - Take it in Chunks.)
- Data Saturday #45, Lublin, 30 September. (Dynamic Search Conditions.)
- Data Saturday #39, Gothenburg, 26 August. (Deadlocks - Analysing, Preventing and Mitigating).
- Database Professionals Virtual Meetup Group, 14 June. (Don't Let Your Permissions be Hijacked.)
- Data Céilí, Dublin, 9 June. (Deadlocks - Analysing, Preventing and Mitigating.)
- Data Saturday #30, Edinburgh, 3 June. (Deadlocks - Analysing, Preventing and Mitigating.)
- Data Saturday #30, Edinburgh, 3 June. (Don't Let Your Permissions be Hijacked.)
- Data Saturday #33, Stockholm, 13 May. (Don't Let Your Permissions be Hijacked.)
- SQL Day, Wrocław, Poland, 8-10 May. (Don't Let Your Permissions be Hijacked.)
- SQL Friday, 14 April. (Packaging Permissions in Stored Procedures.)
- Data Saturday #32 Copenhagen, March 25th. (Don't Let Your Permissions be Hijacked.)
- SQL Bits, Newport, Wales, March 13-18th. (Don't Let Your Permissions be Hijacked).
- Data Saturday #31, Pordenone, 25 Feb 2023. (Deadlocks - Analysing, Preventing and Mitigating.)
- PASSMN User Group, Jan 17th, 2023 ( Dynamic Search Conditions).
- SQL Friday, November 25th, 2022. (Don't Bite off More than You Can Chew - Take it in Chunks).
- PASS Data Community Summit, Seattle, Nov 15-18th, 2022. (SQL Titbits for the Inexperienced.)
- SQL Saturday Oregon &SW Washington, Nov 12, 2022. (Deadlocks - Analysing, Preventing and Mitigating.)
- Data Saturday Sofia, Oct 8th 2022. (Deadlocks - Analysing, Preventing and Mitigating.)
- Future Data Driven, Sept 28, 2022. (Packaging Permissions in Stored Procedures.)
- Data Platform Virtual Summit, Sept 19-23, 2022. (Deadlocks - Analysing, Preventing and Mitigating.)
- Data Saturday Oslo, Sept 10th, 2022. (Deadlocks - Analysing, Preventing and Mitigating.).
- Data:Scotland, Glasgow, Sept 2nd, 2022. (Don't Bite off More than You Can Chew).
- Data Saturday #18 Croatia, June 4th, 2022. (All You Wanted to Know About Collations.)
- SQL Friday #87, May 27th, 2022. (Use Regular Expressions in T-SQL with Help of Python.).
- Data Saturday #17, Stockholm, 21 May 2022. (Deadlocks - Analysing, Preventing and Mitigating.)
- DataWeekender CU5, 15 May 2021. (Deadlocks - Analysing, Preventing and Mitigating.)
- SQL Day, Wrocław, Poland, 10-11 May 2022. (Deadlocks - Analysing, Preventing and Mitigating.)
- SQL Friday #79, April 1st, 2022. (Don't Use Cursors or Why You Maybe Should Use a Cursor After All.)
- SQLBits, London, March 8-12, 2022. (Don't Bite off More than You Can Chew - Take it Chunks).
- SQL Ireland User Group, March 1st, 2022. (Don't Bite off More than You Can Chew - Take it Chunks).
- Dataminutes #2, Jan 21st, 2022. (Using Python to find/replace with regular expressions from T-SQL.). Link to recording.
- PASS Data Community Summit, Nov 8-12th, 2021. (Error and Transaction Handling in SQL Server).
- Data Community Weekender, Nov 6th 2021. (Dynamic Search Conditions.)
- GroupBy, Oct 27th, 2021. (Packaging Permissions in Stored Procedures..) Link to recording.
- SQL Friday #63, Oct 22nd, 2021. (Dynamic Search Conditions.) Link to recording.
- dataMinds Connect 2021, Mechelen, Belgium, 11-12 Oct, 2021. (Dynamic Search Conditions.)
- Data Platform Summit 2021, Sept 13-18th, 2021. (All You Wanted to Know About Collations, the extra-long version!). Link to recording.
- Data Saturday #11 Croatia, Sept 11th, 2021. (Don't Use Cursors or Why You Maybe Should Use a Cursor After All.)
- Data Saturday #14 Oslo, Sept 4th, 2021. (Don't Use Cursors or Why You Maybe Should Use a Cursor After All.)
- SQLUG (Swedish User Group), Aug 31st, 2021. (Packaging Permissions in Stored Procedures.)
- DataMinutes, June 11th, 2021. (Looping Abreast.) Link to recording.
- SQL Server Croatia User Group, June 9th, 2021. (Dynamic Search Conditions.) Link to recording.
- GroupBy, May 26th, 2021. (All You Wanted to Know About Collations.) Link to recording.
- SQL Friday #49, May 21st, 2021. (When Things Go Wrong - Error Handling in SQL Server.) Link to recording.
- Data Weekender, May 15th, 2021. ( Looping Abreast).
- SQL Day, May 11-12th, 2021. (SQL Titbits for the Inexperienced.)
- DBA Fundamentals Group, April 13th, 2021. (Packaging Permissions in Stored Procedures.) Link to recording.
- Pinellas SQL User Group (virtual), March 16th, 2021. (Dynamic Search Conditions.)
- Data Saturday #1 Pordenone (virtual), Feb 27th, 2021. (Don't Bite Off More than You Can Chew - Take It in Chunks.)
- SQL Saturday Saturday #1010 (Virtual), Dec 12th, 2020. (When Things Go Wrong - Error Handling in SQL Server.)
- Data Platform Virtual Summit 2020, Dec 2nd-4th, 2020. (Don't Bite Off More than You Can Chew - Take it in Chunks.) Link to recording.
- PASS Virtual Summit, Nov 11th-13th, 2020. (Splitting Up Your Works in Chunks.) Link to recording.
- Data Community Weekender, Oct 17th, 2020. (Don't Use Cursors, or Why You Maybe Should Use a Cursor After All.)
- SQL Saturday Sofia #989, Oct 10th. 2020. (Don't Bite Off More than You Can Chew - Take it in Chunks.)
- SQL Saturday #988, Gothenburg Sep 5th, 2020. (Dynamic Search Conditions.)
- SQL Saturday #971, Oslo, Aug 29th, 2020. (SQL Titbits for the Inexperienced.)
- SQL Saturday #982, Auckland, Aug 8th, 2020. (SQL Titbits for the Inexperienced.)
- Triangle SQL User Group, June 5th, 2020. (Dynamic Search Conditions). Link to recording.
- DataPlatformGeeks Virtual Symposium May 7-8 2020. (SQL Titbits for the Inexperienced.) Link to recording.
- Data Community Weekender, May 2nd, 2020. (SQL Titbits for the Inexperienced.)
- Data Platform Discovery Day, Apr 30th 2020. (SQL Titbits for the Inexperienced.) Link to recording.
- Data Platform Geeks Webinar, Apr 23rd, 2020. (When Things go Wrong - Error Handling in SQL Server.) Link to recording.
- SQL Saturday #927, Edinburgh, Feb 1st, 2020. (When Things go Wrong - Error Handling in SQL Server.)
- SQL Saturday #910, Ljubljana, Dec 14th, 2019. (Don't Bite More Than You Can Chew - Take It in Chunks.)
- PASS Summit Seattle, Nov 5-8, 2019. (Packaging Permissions in Stored Procedures.) Link to recording.
- SQL Saturday #920, Portland OR, Nov 2nd, 2019. (Certificates and EXECUTE AS – Putting Permissions in Stored Procedures.)
- SQL Saturday #868, Kharkiv, Sep 28th, 2019. (Don't Use Cursors or Why You Maybe Should Use a Cursor After All.)
- SQL Saturday #868, Kharkiv, Sep 28th, 2019. (Don't Bite More Than You Can Chew - Take It in Chunks.)
- SQL Saturday #898. Gothenburg, Sep 14th, 2019. (Don't Bite More Than You Can Chew - Take It in Chunks.)
- SQL Saturday #854, Oslo, Aug 31st, 2019. (Don't Bite More Than You Can Chew - Take It in Chunks.)
- SQL Saturday #874, Timișoara, Jun 8th 2019. (When Things go Wrong - Error Handling in SQL Server.)
- SQL Saturday #857, Kyiv, May 18th, 2019. (Working in Batches.)
- SQL Day, Wrocław, May 14-15th, 2019. (Working in Batches.) Link to recording.
- SQL Saturday #852, Helsinki, May 11th 2019. (When Things go Wrong - Error Handling in SQL Server.)
- SQL Saturday #851, Stockholm, May 4th 2019. (Working in Batches).
- SQL Saturday #822, Spokane, Mar 23rd 2019. (Don't Use Cursors, or Why You Maybe Should Use a Cursor After All.)
- SQL Bits, Manchester, Feb 27th - Mar 2nd 2019. (Packaging Permissions in Stored Procedures.)
- SQL Saturday #779, Prague, Dec 8th, 2018. (When Things go Wrong - Error Handling in SQL Server.)
- SQL Saturday #777, Parma, Nov 24th, 2018. (Dynamic Search Conditions.)
- PASS Seattle, Nov 6-9, 2018. (Dynamic Search Conditions.)
- SQL Saturday #808, Portland OR, Nov 3rd, 2018. (Don't Use Cursors or Why You Maybe Should Use a Cursor After All.)
- SQL Saturday #765, Copenhagen, Oct 6th, 2018. (Don't Use Cursors or Why You Maybe Should Use a Cursor After All.)
- SQL Saturday #753, Lviv, Sep 29th, 2018. (Dynamic Search Conditions.)
- SQL Saturday #775, Gothenburg, Sep 15th, 2018. (Don't Use Cursors, or Why You Maybe Should Use a Cursor After All.)
- SQL Saturday #742, Cork, June 9th, 2018. (When Things go Wrong - Error Handling in SQL Server.)
- SQL Saturday #739, Kiev, May 19th, 2018. (Don't Use Cursors, or Why You Maybe Should Use a Cursor After All.)
- SQL Day, Wrocław, May 15th, 2018. (Don't Use Cursors, or Why You Maybe Should Use a Cursor After All.)
- SQL Saturday #735, Helsinki, May 12th, 2018. (Dynamic Search Conditions.)
- SQL Saturday #725, Victoria, British Columbia, March 3rd 2018. (When Things Go Wrong - Error Handling in SQL Server.)
- SQL Saturday #706, Wellington, Feb 17th 2018. (When Thing Go Wrong - Error Handling in SQL Server.)
- SQL Saturday #687, Ljubljana, Dec 9th, 2017. (Dynamic Search Conditions.)
- SQL Saturday #642, Sofia, Oct 14th, 2017. (Dynamic Search Conditions.)
- SQL Saturday #657, Gothenburg, Sep 23rd, 2017. (When Thing Go Wrong - Error Handling in SQL Server.)
- SQL Saturday #667, Oslo, Sep 2th, 2017. (Dynamic Search Conditions.)
- SQL Saturday #616, Kiev, May 20th, 2017. (Giving Permissions through Stored Procedures.)
- SQL Saturday #616, Kiev, May 20th, 2017. (When Things Go Wrong - Error Handling in SQL Server.)
- SQL Day, Wrocław, May 17th, 2017. (Giving Permissions through Stored Procedures.)
- SQL Day, Wrocław, May 16th. 2017. (When Things go Wrong - Error Handling in SQL Server.) Link to recording.
- SQL Nexus Copenhagen, May 3, 2017. (When Things go Wrong - Error Handling in SQL Server.)
- SQL Saturday #567, Slovenia, Dec 10, 2016 (Giving Permissions through Stored Procedures.)
- SQL Saturday #566, Parma, Nov 26, 2016 (Giving Permissions through Stored Procedures.)
- SQL Saturday #541, Denmark, Sep 17, 2016 (Giving Permissions through Stored Procedures)
- SQL Saturday #536, Gothenburg, Aug 27, 2016 (Giving Permissions through Stored Procedures)
- SQL Saturday #508, Kiev, May 21 2016 (Dynamic Search Conditions)
- SQLBits XV, Liverpool, May 7, 2016 (Dynamic Search Conditions)
- SQL Nexus, Copenhagen, May 4, 2016 (Dynamic Search Conditions)
- PLSSUG, Feb 25, 2016 (Dynamic Search Conditions)
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